Industrial Railways of the British Isles
This presentation mainly covers steam operations on the industrial railway systems of the British Isles, other than those of the National Coal Board, over a 20 year period from the early 1960s. It does also include a few pictures taken in the 1930s inside the erecting & machine shops of W G Bagnall Ltd of Stafford, one of the longer surviving of the independent locomotive manufaturers in the country.
Other industries covered include gas & electicity supply, iron & steel both the manufacturing plants & the supporting quarry operations, slate quarrying & other mineral extraction operations, military railways, docks & shipbuilding; and general manufacturing with the paper industry, particularly Bowaters of Sittingbourne featuring strongly
This show includes contributions from the following photographers: Bill Potter courtesy the Kidderminster Railway Museum, Basil Roberts, John Champion, John Dagley Morris, Mike Collins, Mike Squire, Tony Bowles, Maurice Crowe & Roger Hickman
A few shots from the presentation