These pages are being set up to entertain & inform the world at large and provide a platform upon which to display the work of many photographers both alive & deceased in a manner that makes it widely accessible at little or no cost to those who wish to study it. There are of course costs involved in running this site & providing the digital equipment to continue the work. We hope that you enjoy looking at the images contained herein and would simply ask that anyone who feels sufficiently moved by what they see, consider making a small donation to help with the ongoing work, by clicking on the button below.
At present the galleries below solely cover the Stratford to Cheltenhem line and these will be greatly expanded over the course of time. Additionally other heritage railways & centres within the UK will be covered as the present day becomes recent history and then outside the experience of later generations; as this scene is itself constantly changing.
Please remember that the Trust holds the copyright of all the photographs on this site and whilst you are free to use these for personal use no commercial must be made of these without the prior written consent of the Trust. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional information or corrections regarding the captions to any of these photographs.